Lisa sarti (City University of New York), Research Grant for a project on the new digital edition of the first complete English translation of Pirandello’s short stories “Stories for a Year” (“Novelle per un anno”).

Lisa Sarti is a Professor of Italian Studies at The City University of New York (BMCC) and specializes in fin-de-siècle visual culture as well as the works and thought of Luigi Pirandello. The Ragusa Foundation grant supports the new digital edition of the first complete English translation of Pirandello’s short stories, Stories for a Year (Novelle per un anno) that she is translating and editing in collaboration with Michael Subialka. She has worked extensively on Pirandello, co-editing Pirandello’s Visual Philosophy: Imagination and Thought Across Media (2017) and co-authoring Scrittura d’immagini: Pirandello e la visualità tra letteratura, filosofia e psicanalisi (2021). Professor Sarti is Co-President of the Pirandello Society and America and Co-editor of their scholarly journal, PSA.