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Ryan Calabretta-Sajder (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville), Research Grant for a project entitled Beyond the Margin, or Within the Canon: The Novels of Amara Lakhous.


Ryan Calabretta-Sajder is Associate Professor and Section Head of Italian, Director of International and Global Studies, and Associate Director of Gender Studies at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. The Ragusa Foundation grant supports his book-length project Beyond the Margin, or Within the Canon: The Novels of Amara Lakhous. Dr. Calabretta-Sajder is the author, editor or co-editor of several books, amongst others: Divergenze in celluloide: colore, migrazione e identità sessuale nei film gay di Ferzan Özpetek, Pasolini’s Lasting Impressions: Death, Eros, and Literary Enterprise in the Opus of Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italian Americans On Screen: Challenging the Past, Re-Theorizing the Future. He is the Tiro a Segno Fellow at New York University (Fall 2024).

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